reveal your natural God-given beauty

Hi and welcome! I’m Wardee, a Christian wife, mom, and business owner in the Boise area of Idaho. I help women reveal their natural God-given beauty ...without toxic lotions or creams!

Recent Posts

Smiling woman with curly hair and pink glasses.

How to Care for Curly Hair in a Dry Climate

Smiling woman with curly hair and pink glasses.Here is your comprehensive guide to taking care of curly hair in a dry climate! I’ve lived in dry climates for most of my life, but now with more and more gray hairs which are extra prone to dryness, I really needed to buckle down and crack the code. In this post, I share the 4 problems curly hair faces in a dry climate, and my 18 best tips for achieving healthy and hydrated hair despite them!

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Photo of a smiling woman with curly hair and pink glasses.

How to Fix Soft & Limp Curls (+DIY protein treatment)

Photo of a smiling woman with curly hair and pink glasses.Are you struggling with wispy or statick-y curls that fall flat? In this article, I’m sharing 4 ways to fix soft or limp curls… including a DIY protein treatment!

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Photo of a smiling woman holding up a black hair diffuser.

Best Diffuser For Curly Hair

Photo of a smiling woman holding up a black hair diffuser.There’s no doubt about it… using a diffuser will help your natural curls shrink up faster… so you have curlier, more defined curls and more volume. But which diffuser to buy? In this post, I compare two different models of hair dryer and diffuser combinations to help you find the best diffuser for curly hair!

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Smiling woman wearing a silk bonnet on her head to protect her curls while sleeping.

How to Protect Curls While Sleeping

Smiling woman wearing a silk bonnet on her head to protect her curls while sleeping.Here are the best ways to protect and preserve your curls while sleeping! I discuss silk pillowcases, the “pineapple” method, silk scarves, and (my personal favorite) sleep bonnets!

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Happy Clients!

My hair is being transformed!

My hair was a limp, lifeless, tangled mess that was thinning before I started using the products that Wardee recommended. I've been using the products for about a month & my hair is slowly being transformed! My hair is no longer limp or lifeless. I have more defined waves, my hair is soft & I'm able to comb through it. I'm looking forward to the months ahead & the results I'll see & feel with these products!! Thanks, Wardee for helping me on this journey -- I'm so grateful for all of your help & advice!!

Elizabeth H.

Pleased with the results

The hair protocol is a work in progress. I am awaiting a couple more products, but tried the new ideas you discovered, specifically mixing leave-in conditioner w/setting gel and was pleased with the results. I’ll keep working on it!

Barbara C.

Hair is softer, skin is fresher and less wrinkled!

I am loving both the hair and skin care products. My hair has been softer and less "fluffy" from the first washing, and seems to get better with each wash. I have been letting it air dry and I am quite pleased that it looks presentable with no styling - just what I was hoping for. And I feel like my skin has been looking fresher with the skin care products. I already see a difference in a couple of places that I felt were looking a little more wrinkled than they should. I am excited to see the improvements after more than just two weeks of use!

Candice O.

It’s not vanity to embrace your natural God-given beauty… inside and out!

I'm Wardee. I'm a wife, mom, and business owner in the Boise area of Idaho.

For years, I struggled with finding healthy lifestyle, fitness, and beauty resources that actually worked to help me look and feel beautiful.... and I don't think I'm vain, I only want to be an attractive and loving woman of God for my husband and family.

I tried certain products and they didn't work as promised or they gave me headaches or irritated my skin. I tried fitness routines and they messed up my hormones. I tried "healthy" diets that made me feel horrible or made me gain weight. I tried working harder in our family business, only to be stressed out, resentful, and unhappy... and more sick.

My search for answers led me to wonderful non-toxic and health-supporting tips and resources that uplift, heal, and balance every area of my life... including diet, fitness, hair care, and skin care... and even my marriage.

Even though I'm getting older, I feel better and more beautiful now than ever before, and my husband and I have the relationship of our dreams and prayers. I'm thrilled and so thankful to God. And so is my husband. 

No joke, you're getting YOUNGER!!! —Kelsey

If you or anyone you know might want to learn more about what's working for me, you'll find a lot of inspiration and help in the articles and videos on my website. Happy browsing!

God bless you!
